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Eugene Burger Management Corporation is an Accredited Management Organization

An Accredited Management Organization (AMO), Eugene Burger Management Corporation (EBMC) has held the AMO accreditation continuously since 1969. The designation was earned and conveyed by the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM). IREM is a global force of 20,000 individuals. They are united to advance the profession of real estate management. Regarding the AMO designation, there exist only 537 such accredited firms around the world.

The AMO designation is the highest standard in achievement available to those firms who are engaged in professional real estate management. The Accredited Management Organization (AMO) accreditation is the only recognition of excellence given to real estate Management Company’s. To qualify for the designation Eugene Burger Management must be continuously led by a Certified Property Manager (CPM). In addition, the Corporation must own and/or manage a specific size portfolio. Furthermore, EBMC must meet stringent insurance and bonding requirements, and also be of the highest professional and ethical standards.